
Quote for writters

Your writing should pave the way for unity. Beware no heart should be hurt by your speech.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


In the year 1888 September 5 Dr. S. Radhakrishnan was born.
He went to college for higher studies in abroad.
After studying at the University of Oxford in England,he worked as a professor.
After seeing his talent, intelligence, talent
management, one of the scholar told that radhakrishnan would rise in the future
as the United States  president  Woodrow Wilson rise from the Professor
to the president of united states. As he has said,in the year 1950 Dr.S.Radhakrishnan
became the  Vice-President of India and then in the year 1962 Dr.S.
Radhakrishnan became the second President of India. However, he was usually wearing a dress like a professor. On September 5, the day of his
birth was celebrated as Teachers' Day.Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, wrote "The Hindu View of Life  and Indian philasophi 'and also wrote 18 other books.
In the year 1954 he recieved "Bharat Ratna 'award.He lived until 1975 till his death he had done many good
things for the source of the country and for the improvement of studies in India.

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